Thursday, April 8, 2010


There is nothing better than drawing outside in the sunshine!!


  1. I saw your beautiful work at the Indie Craft Revolutsion Show, and wanted to know if you would be interested in selling it at my store on consignment. I am a huge supporter of local art and currently sell for several members of the Saint Louis Craft including Beqi Clothing and Just Liv Accessories.! Also, my percentage is 60/40, and you check can out my blog below to see my store.

    thanks, Abby

  2. I stumbled upon your blog & it made me smile tons!!! I'm in a process of healing these last three years. It seems right now God is really just drawing out the beauty & creativity in me that I finally am feeling safe to come out in. Anyways I guess I am trying to find my medium or my mediums. I don't know if I could do that style, sorry for my ignorance I dont know what it is called. But it did get my longings stirred up. I love little birdies & somehow if I could draw them I would be a happy girl. Plus I have something I have been wanting to do was draw a girl giraffe in a crown with flowing pretty things from her crown & your zebras in tuto's excited me & made me think of my little giraffe waiting to be drawn. Sorry I write long its what I do, I guess. I am a creative girl who had been stunted in life and now I have passion and I am looking for my Medium or Mediums... SO MY QUESTION IS WHAT TOOLS DO YOU USE OR WHATEVER THE WORD IS, WHAT MEDIUM??? ARE THOSE ARTSY PENS OR MARKERS? I saw some of what you used in this post, but I don't know what they are. When I get a job again I would like to buy some, maybe one here and there to get started, I could do a lot prolly with just three colors!!!! LACEY
