Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gypsy Caravan!

On Memorial Day my mom, brother and myself checked out the Gypsy Caravan
The Official website states:
"Since 1973, the St. Louis Symphony Volunteer Association has presented one of the largest antique, craft and flea markets in the Midwest. This year, up to 20,000 people are expected to enjoy the unique atmosphere of this festive event."

I think we would have enjoyed it more if it had been a million degrees cooler outside...but regardless I'm glad we checked it out as each year we plan to and have never had the chance!

(me and the lil bro with our overpriced but oh-so-yummy Ben & Jerry's!)

(this panda and bunny are made of pearls!)

And I shall end this post with Millie..a miniature Australian sheep dog. Aka the CUTEST. DOG. EVERR.

These pictures really don't convey how adorable she was! And so sweet! She had been sitting beside her master all day. Luckily their booth was under the shade of a parking garage so Millie didn't seem to be getting overheated.  I am trying to convince my husband that this is the kind of dog we should get! : D

In other news I have decided to minor in Japanese! I'm so excited and really hope I can use that skill to help share the gospel in Japan - someday! : )

Everyone have a great Saturday night!

I will be posting some new stuff in the shop tomorrow!

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